

awardCrosslight Software Inc. 是全球领先的TCAD模拟工具供应商,总部位于加拿大温哥华。二十年以来,Crosslight致力于提供用于半导体器件的先进TCAD工具。Crosslight软件 (旧为Beamtek)是全球首家推出量子阱激光二极管仿真软件的商业公司,并且一直以来保持产业界领先者的角色。Crosslight是世界上最顶尖的半导体TCAD工具提供者,Crosslight的客户包括数以百计的半导体公司以及研究机构。

Crosslight由李湛明博士(Dr. Z.M. Simon Li)创立于1993年,为加拿大国家研究委员会(NSC)衍生企业,自起步阶段开始,Crosslight不断在既有的架构下进行创新,并且不断突破,例如获得斯坦福大学 SUPREM-IV.GS 软件的授权,以健全Crosslight的产品线,Crosslight的工程师与科学家不断对仿真软件进行更新,不但是为了提供最新的半导体器件、工艺仿真,也为维持软件效能的最佳化。

Crosslight Software China 在中国注册公司名为蓝雨软件技术开发(上海)有限公司,由Crosslight Software Inc. 创始人李湛明博士任董事长。蓝雨软件技术开发(上海)有限公司被授权销售和支持Crosslight 所有的产品。


Crosslight的软件PICS3D为一款为激光二极管及光电子集成电路3D的仿真软件,PICS3D于1998年赢得由Laser Focus World(光学与光电子学产业的知名杂志)所颁发的商业科技成就奖。




Dr. Ling Xie, Harvard University

“After one lecture’s teaching (~one hour), students are able to use the simulation program to do basic simulations, such as how NMOS dimensions affect I-V and C-V characteristics. The software is user friendly and easy to learn and understand. The comment notes are very helpful to learn how to write a simulation program. Also the graphic capability is very strong.”


Dr. James Pan, Semicoa, Inc

“Crosslight simulator is especially helpful for power devices. It is compatible with Windows OS and is very user friendly.”


Dr. Maggie Xia, University of British Columbia

“I have been using TCAD tools for almost 10 years, as a graduate student at MIT, a TCAD engineer at IBM and later as an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia. Among the simulation tools I used, Crosslight Software’s TCAD suite is the best in user friendliness both for new and seasoned users. It runs on PCs, instead of Unix servers. It has a nice user interface and many helpful functions. Plotting is very convenient. It is a very powerful tool for many applications such as strained Si CMOS. Now we use CSUPREM for both research and teaching, and my students definitely prefer using it.”

“我曾经是MIT的研究生、IBM的TCAD工程师以及英属哥伦比亚大学的助理教授,这些期间累积起来,我已经使用TCAD工具差不多十年了,在我使用过的所有仿真软件中,Crosslight的TCAD软体拥有无论是对新或旧使用者最友善的界面,Crosslight软件能够在个人电脑上运行而不限定在Unix服务器,它拥有很好的界面以及许多对使用者有帮助的函数,且非常易于作图,是设计许多应用(如:标准Si CMOS)的强大工具。现在我们在研究于课堂上使用CSUPREM,学生们都十分喜爱使用这项软件。”

Dr. W.T. Ng, University of Toronto

“Crosslight is really easy to use with much better convergence than their competitors, especially in III-V Nitride simulation,e.g. GaN power devices. It works very well for our projects. Furthermore,the 3D simulation is amazing and particularly easy to set up and memory efficient.”
